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Mortgage Calculators


How much will my principal be?
Calculates how much your principal balance will be after certain number of years of payment.


How long will my mortgage last if I pay more every month?
Calculates how long your mortgage will last if you make monthly payments that are larger than your monthly principal plus interest.


Interest-Only payment calculator
Calculates how much your mortgage payment will be with an Interest-Only mortgage


How much home can I afford?
Calculates how much home you can afford based on your monthly income, debt and other factors such as down payment and lending ratios.


What are the tax benefits of buying?
Estimates how much money you will save in taxes when you buy a home.


Should I pay points?
Calculates your monthly savings (resulting from the lower interest rate) as well as the breakeven point for the upfront cost of point(s) paid.


How much income to qualify?
Calculates what your gross monthly income should be in order to qualify for the home you want.


Amortization Calculator
Calculates your mortgage payment amortization.


Should I refinance?
Calculates the total cost and savings of your refinance transaction.


What is my APR?
Calculates the APR of your loan.


What is the APR for my ARM?
Calculates the APR of your ARM loan.


How much will my payments be (ARM loan)?
Calculates the payment of an ARM loan.


Which loan is better?
Compares two loans side by side (total amount paid per loan including all costs).


Standard vs. Bi-weekly
Calculates your savings in interest paid as well as length of your loan if you were to make bi-weekly payments as opposed to monthly payments.


Rent vs. Buy Calculator
Calculates if you are better off buying a home, or if you should continue to rent.


Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.





©  2018 Nation One Mortgage Corporation | Equal Housing Lender | NMLS# 1564450






Helping Families Across Maryland Secure Home Financing














This is not a commitment to lend. Not all borrowers will qualify; contact me for more information on fees and terms.

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The information contained in this website is believed to be reliable, but we do not warrant its completeness, timeliness or accuracy. The information on this website is not intended as an offer or solicitation for any mortgage product or any financial instrument.Read more...

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